Advantage of Sales Management System:

1.    Save managers’ time - since the system analyzes data and information from sales process and presents all information through tables, charts, or graph.

2.    Sales management has a better control throughout the system since the system will send out all the update order information, production knowledge, and production activities reports frequently. The system makes sales managers have a better idea what’s going on in the company, and then they can give out advice directly and discover problem in the early stage.

3.    Sales managers can set up the system as automatically analyze the information using sophisticated statistical techniques, and then the sales managers can get more useful information out of the system. Such as

a.    Sales manager can provide the most up-to-data details and material to their staffs.
b.    Provide marketing research results to staffs for sales forecasting.
c.    Work with other departments in the company
d.    Classify customer level, who are the most valuable customer and who are the worst one.
e.    Giving productivity report, salesmen performance report, table sales report, individual customer sales report, margin-profit report, and so on
All advantages can increase productivity and profit and reduce production cost. Also, sales managers can control the department more efficiently, and salesmen can use their time more effectively on customers.  Sales department provide a better service or products in order to make customers get more than they expected. This satisfaction will lead to increase customer loyalty.


1.    Requiring extra worker to keep truck and input data

2.    Not easy to work with the system

3.    Requiring lot of up-date of data and technical maintenance for the system

4.    Expensive

5.    Difficult to work with other systems.

Even though these are some disadvantage about the system, lot of the companies still use the system because the system provide lot of useful information for salesmen to plan and structure their customer accounts; also, they provide a better services and products to customers.

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